Sunday, March 31, 2013

Antique Rocker Turned into Flower Display

Picture this. I am driving my daughter home from school when I see this garage sale being held by this busy street where I am driving. I immediately activate my garage sale radar to look for things that interest me in the few seconds I have as I drive by. I was almost reaching the inevitable "it is all junk" conclusion, when I see something wood. I abruptely pull my car into this house's driveway, open my window and ask the guy: "how much for the rocking chair?". He replies "ten". I reach for my wallet, find 7 bucks and we had a deal. I put the chair in my trunk and go back excitedly to tell my daughter: "yeah, mommy bought a chair!". She laughs with me.

The picture below is pretty much the before, minus the wicker already removed and the vase inserted.

I had seen this idea to transform an old vintage chair into a flower display a long time ago and since I have been dreaming of finding one serendipitously, just like I did.

Rather than flowers I decided to use succulents as I love their different colors and shapes and they are pretty low maintenance (bonus!).

It took me literally ten minutes to put this look together. I had kept the chair unpainted for a while but you all know I have a problem with unpainted furniture. It was Saturday night, I was drinking a beer with my husband, the kids were playing around us, I grabbed a paint brush a mixture of glazing and white paint and applied painterly strokes to the chair. The kids even helped.

What a nifty idea for an easy vintage look?

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