Friday, May 31, 2013


Hi Everyone,

Thanks for stopping by my blog and store. I am elated to see this dream of mine turn into reality.

I am Julia, a wife, a busy mom of two young children, a corporate lawyer during business hours, and now the proud creator and handy-woman behind this blog and small business.

I grew up in a small town in Brazil where family, friendship, farm, simplicity, food, coffee, and all things earthy and homey were part of my culture. But it was here, in the US, that I learned to dig deep to find the creative juices in me and to follow my passion. All I needed was a little inspiration from amazing people whom I've come accross either in person or in the blogsphere, and, of course, a well-stocked home-improvement store down the street. You see, this is the amazing thing about this country: if you can dream it, you can make it happen in America because here you will find the resources and encouragement needed.

I am now a wannabe designer, photographer, furniture re-finisher and re-purposer, vintage and French decor lover, DIY kinda gal, and who knows what else I will get myself into when I wake up in the morning tomorrow?

I want my children to grow up in a world that is rich in beautiful things. Not always perfect but, yet, beautiful and meaningful. For that, all my pieces are created and made  photo in-joy-signature_zps600e1825.jpg

PS: If you like what you see, please follow my page to receive automatic updates as I post new projects and pieces for sale.
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