Monday, July 8, 2013

Pretties from Paris

When in Paris, I ventured to Marche Aux Puces de Saint-Ouen, the largest antique market in the world. I was jet legged awake all night waiting for the crack of the dawn, just so I could leave the hotel and find my way to the Marche. It was 8AM on a Sunday in rainy Paris, just a few other souls on the streets as I walked and rode the subway for 45 minutes to get to the peripherie. I read so much information talking about the area being less than glamorous and unsafe that I left everything behind in the hotel and just carried some cash in my purse, which I was hanging on for dear life (I have experience with that, coming from Brazil).

It was the perfect way for me to spend a day in Paris, seeking some inspiration. I was mostly just experiencing the place as I did not have a few thousand Euros to spare on a Louis XV chair. I did find some pretty little things.

Lovely botanical prints. 

Vintage plaques. One art nouveau. 

One just plain cute which reminded me of my children.

Linen napkins from France, I am madly in love with them.
Three time-zone clock. It does not work and it is not truly an antique but I loved its wordly feel.

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