Thursday, November 14, 2013

Junk in the Trunk Fall 2014

Last Spring, I went as a shopper...

This Fall, my wishes were granted and I went as a vendor...

I worked hard for over 6 months applying, hunting for pieces, finding unique piece, seeking inspiration for each piece, refinishing my finds with love and joy, staging, picture taking, posting and bragging to my friends about my work.

And now I write home proud to say I've arrived!

It was a lot of work. A lot of early morning painting sessions in my garage before the kids were awake. A lot of red-eye painting sessions with a lampshade in my workshop, wine glass my only companion. A lot of energy convincing my husband as to why all the space he had lost in the garage would be worthwhile when Junk in the Trunk finally arrived. A lot of helping hands of friends (one very special one named Jocie) moving furniture around, painting with me, and doing Home Depot and Hobby Lobby runs for me. A lot of vacation days taken from work (the one which actually pays the bills) to prep for this day. A lot of days when I showed up to work with paint in my hair (phew, at least it was not just me getting old!). A lot of loading, unloading, uploading, downloading, overloading!

 And the big day arrived and it was all worthwhile...

In Joy! and the House of Rumours had some Junk in the Trunk!
Our booth was fabulous! We received a lot of compliments from fellow vendors and shoppers.


My Chalky Little Things were a huge success!


And here are the ladies who made all of this possible.
From left to right: Julia Peters from In Joy!, Jocie Bogner a beyond-helpful friend, and Ruthie Trollinger from the House of Rumours.
Partners in junking!

First customer, a lovely fellow vendor.
Such an amazing experience I will forever cherish!

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